Intricate – The Secret Elements of Cosplay Captured With convention season in full force and several Masquerades to take part in, the elements and individual details of costumes can sometimes be missed. This article looks at Anna S’s latest project as she accidentally captures the details of costumes that can…
Masquerade Judging – How to be a Seam Flipping Pro! Costume and Play talks about the fulfilling experience of judging and pre-judging and breaks down the judging categories to help nail that pre-judging and masquerade competition! We’ll Start with Pre-judging, often viewed by many as a very daunting task, it is there…
A Revolution in Costuming – Lottie Cosplay We take a look at the next generation; how a costuming philosophy is formed and shaped as we speak to ‘Charlotte August’ otherwise known as Lottie Cosplay. Lottie’s father eagerly watches on as I write down every sentence Lottie eloquently says. She is…